Friday, December 25, 2009

Maisie Maud Broadhead......

Maisie Maud Broadhead is such an inspiring artist. She was able to create a faux frame over this mantel by attaching an extra long lamp cord with cable clips. Now instead of trying to hide those cords maybe we should start turning on our inner light bulbs and making it a work of art!......This piece makes me wonder if there is any way I could create a faux frame around my television.....Thanks Maisie for being so clever and inspiring!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Indoor Hammock

(image via Maison D'Etre)

Isn't this image beautiful......I crave an indoor hammock! Still trying to figure out where I can put one.....

Guest Room Inspiration

(image via Design Therapy and Elle Decor Magazine)

I have always been inspired by Anthony Cochran's apartment in Manhatten that was published in the May 2007 issue of Elle Decor. I hope I can combine this "Lounge Act" with the gray inspiration I previously posted about and add some Abigail Ahern to it and I will be in love!

P.S. I sense a diy project coming up!

Gray chic

I am loving this gray inspiration post over at Bromeliad.

The Growing Ring!

Sub-studio design posted the greatest gift guide I have seen this year. The products are even organized by color. The Growing Ring really caught my eye, I have never imagined such a piece of jewelry.

I also love these.

Couldn't believe this came from here.

Want to get one of these for Aubrey some day.

Prince Lion Heart

I want to get Aubrey one of these but I can't decide which one yet.....I am aiming towards the wheely mouse! They are available here.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

newFANGLED: urban.chic.fur.hammock.

(images via design boom)


My husband introduced me to blogs five years ago when he decided to make one for our families to read. About three years ago I started to really read(stalk) design and fashion blogs. Well not only will I still read(stalk) them, I will hopefully now have one others will enjoy stalking! I hope I can inspire you and encourage you by opening up my personal decor journal! Enjoy!